Plant Sale and Seed Swap Tomorrow
Several vendors will be offering bedding plants at Denver Urban Homesteading this Saturday, 4/21. We will have three types of kale, Italian Large Leaf and Thai Basil, and a variety of heirloom tomatoes. A seed exchange will be happening as well. A great opportunity to trade with other Colorado gardeners. Come see what you can find!
Heirloom Dry Beans for Sale at Alfalfa’s
LFF’s Tiger’s Eye, Jacob’s Cattle, Calypso and Gourmet Mix Heirloom Dry Beans are available at Alfalfa’s in Boulder. You can find them in the bulk bins. See our website for recipe ideas.
Local Motion CSA Starts April 30th
Extended Season shares are about to begin! We are excited to share the deliciously fresh spring goodies we have been harvesting. Spinach has been especially tasty this year. The radishes are mild and crisp and we have been enjoying lots of fresh, flavorful meslun mix as well. Our goal for this season is a total of 20 members. Currently, we are at 16 members with a 20 member cap. This season we are going to offer 2-3 work share memberships. If you are interested in working for a share, please let us know
Local Motion CSA Starts April 30th
Extended Season shares are about to begin! We are excited to share the deliciously fresh spring goodies we have been harvesting. Spinach has been especially tasty this year. The radishes are mild and crisp and we have been enjoying lots of fresh, flavorful meslun mix as well. Our goal for this season is a total of 20 members. Currently, we are at 16 members with a 20 member cap. This season we are going to offer 2-3 work share memberships. If you are interested in working for a share, please let us know

The chicks are growing so fast! Over several weeks this spring, we brought home over 15 different types of layers and a couple ducks ending up with about 100 birds. It’s amazing to see the little fluff balls turn into so many unique, beautiful birds. We love to show them off, so come on out and take a peek. Pictured is a Silkie (with a fabulous Mohawk) and a Buff Duck.
Farmer’s Market Update
Mark your calenders……Cherry Creek Farmer’s Market is only two weeks away beginning May 5th. See for more information.