Leffler Family Farms’ August 26th Farm Update

Hello Everyone!
Sweet Corn
Rainbow Beets
Rainbow Chard
Sweet Italian Basil
Lemon Basil
Pinto Beans
Summer Squash
In the News
Below are a couple articles the farm has been mentioned in recently. The first is about Greeley’s first annual Ag Fest and Feast which took place last Saturday. The second article talks about the very important Farm to School Program and includes an interview with Anthony explaining our involvement in the program and the challenges of creating producer engagement. In addition to growing vegetables for Farm to School, Anthony also sits on board for the statewide Farm to School Taskforce. He’s the only producer on the taskforce and a wonderful resource to anyone looking to find out more about how their community can get involved in this incredible program which is bringing healthier food to our nation’s children. Considering the fact that school lunch is some children’s only meal, Farm to School is something we hope to see everywhere in the very near future.
Greeley chefs, producers join to celebrate city’s agricu…
For Natalie Leffler, the secret ingredient to cooking at home is using local produce in season. Of course, it’s a bit easier for Leffler, who serves as the kitchen
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Colorado’s Farm To School Takes Root, But Challenges Sti…
Inside of the Greeley school district’s cavernous food services warehouse, nutrition service director Jeremy West leans over a 40-gallon kettle and turns a
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Sweet Corn
Sweet Corn
The sweet corn has finally turned on this past week! If you find that you can not eat all your corn in one week, try freezing some to enjoy all winter long.
Here’s the recipe we used for the frozen sweet corn you received earlier this season. Many people also have great success freezing whole cobs. It takes less time, but more freezer space, so we usually opt for cutting it off and/ packing in the most corn possible, plus it’s more versatile. If you’re able, try both ways and compare.
Maggie’s Frozen Sweet Corn
4 – Quarts of Corn, cut off the cob
1 – Qt Water
1 – Cup Sugar
4 – Heaping teaspoons Salt
Bring to a full rolling boil and boil for 5 minutes. Cool on counter and pack corn and liquid into freezer bags or containers and freeze.
FYI – 18 large ears of corn is about 4 quarts.
4 – Quarts of Corn, cut off the cob
1 – Qt Water
1 – Cup Sugar
4 – Heaping teaspoons Salt
Bring to a full rolling boil and boil for 5 minutes. Cool on counter and pack corn and liquid into freezer bags or containers and freeze.
FYI – 18 large ears of corn is about 4 quarts.
…and here’s another corn recipe I just recently came across. We haven’t had the chance to try it yet, but it looks interesting and I’m looking forward to giving it a whirl soon!
The Flavor of Corn, but With Sizzle
Fresh corn griddle cakes are like pancakes, but are so much more substantial, topped with salsa.
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Vegetable Spotlight: Chard, Beta vulgaris
LFF Rainbow Chard, 7/13/2013
Swiss Chard is the new Kale.
Swiss Chard is a close relative of the beet. It has may monikers including Silverbeet, Roman kale and strawberry spinach. Chard is high in Vitamins K, A, C, E, B2, B6, B1, B3, and B5. It is also high in magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, copper, calcium, zinc, and biotin. To see the World’s Healthiest Foods Organization’s full analysis check out this link, http://whfoods.org/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=16.
“Baby leaves are very tender, larger leaves are best cooked like spinach; cook the stems as you would asparagus.” (Rodale’s Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening, 2009)
“This plant often called “Leaf Beet or Sea-kale Beet is a variety of the common beet… Both leaves and stems are keenly relished by chickens.” (The Garden Encyclopedia, 1936)
Do you have a good Swiss Chard recipe? Please share!
Farm Photos…

Corn smut growing on a popcorn tassel
Yes, in the poor man’s garden grow
Far more than herbs and flowers-
Kind thoughts, contentment, peace of mind,
And joy for weary hours.
-Mary Howitt
Questions and comments always welcome!
Have a great week!
Thank you,
Anthony ad Sarah
Leffler Family Farms
Local Motion CSA
(f) 970-454-3588