October 5 Farm Update

Leffler Family Farms’ October 5th Farm Update
Hooray!  Mesclun mix is back!  Also new this week are braising greens, and we contiue to have several varieties of heirloom tomatoes, beautiful pumpkins/winter squash, big bell peppers, rainbow beets, fingerling potatoes, Daikon and Watermelon Radishes, kaleSwiss Chard, colorful carrots (orange, yellow, white, purple and red), turnips, garlic, heirloom dry beans and more.  Also, last chance for basil and eggplant!!
Find us At Market
Saturday at Denver Urban Homesteading*, Old Town Ft. Collins, Cherry Creek and on Sunday at Old South Pearl St. (Denver).  Market times and other details at http://www.lefflerfarms.com/
Order byPhone (970) 689-2355 or
Denver Delivery: Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday 
On Farm Pick-up: Thursday by appointment

*LFF produce is at the front entrance area.  We do not currently have a booth set-up here.
Veggie blanket
There is a freeze watch in effect (until Saturday October 6) and we are working to protect many of the vegetables by covering them with a strong, breathable material called “row cover”.  The temperature will be 3-10 degrees warmer under the row cover which may be just enough to get the plants through a few cold nights.  The cover emits 64% of sunlight, and can be left on until harvest time. 
Wednesday market done
Cherry Creek Wednesday markets are over for the season.  Thanks so much for all the support and hope to see you on Saturdays!
Update going monthly
Our weekly update email will now be a monthly update as we are heading into the off-season.  Availability (to those whom it applies), will continue to be sent out more frequently.  
Local Motion CSA
You should find surveys with your shares this week.  Thank you in advance for any feedback you may have to offer.  It is very much appreciated!

Regular Season shares are scheduled to end the week of 10/01 which makes this the last weekend.   However, if you chose to suspend 2 weeks after June’s hail, Thursday 10/18, Saturday 10/20 and Sunday 10/22 will be the last days of share pick-up for the season. 
 Happy Fall!
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