Local Motion CSA, 2013
Planning is in full swing for Local Motion’s third season, and we are offering a 10% discount for sign-up by January 1st. What better way to kick off the new year than with a commitment to eating local, healthy food?!
Pick-up locations will be in Denver, Ft. Collins (@ Patero’s Brewery) and Cheyenne as well as on the farm in Eaton.
Also, we are pleased to introduce, Julie Felt, Local Motion’s new (and first) CSA manager. Julie brings much knowledge to our team and we are looking forward to our best season yet with her help! Julie can be contacted at juliefelt.localmotion@yahoo.com.
Winter Market
We will continue to attend Denver Urban Homesteading Indoor Market on Saturday as long as produce is available. Harvesting in the field is officially over after single digit temperatures last week. Fall beets and turnips are in storage and there is a modest variety of greens in the small greenhouse.
Holiday Gift Certificates
Get $25 Leffler Family Farms’ gift certificates for just $20 through December. Good at any market stand or towards the purchase of a CSA. Email or call to order.
Farmer in the Classroom
Farmer in the Classroom
Special thanks to Union Colony Elementary and District 6 for inviting us to participate in “harvest week” as farmer in the classroom. The kids (K-5) passed around an assortment of vegetables harvested on the farm in October as Anthony talked about all the different colors and varieties. LFF rainbow carrots were served for lunch that day and it was awesome to hear from the kids how much they liked them and to let them know that they came from just a few miles down the road. The District’s head chef and nutritionist also presented an “eating the colors of the rainbow” cooking demonstration. Learn more about the Farm to School program and the many ways this initiative is enriching your community at
Colorado Legacy Foundation
Leffler Family Farms received the honor of collaborating with the Colorado Legacy Foundation and Weld School District 6 to produce a documentary promoting Colorado’s Farm to School Program. Shots of the farm were taken, and there may also be an interview with Anthony! The video should be finished in January, and will be available for viewing on District 6’s website. We’ll keep you updated! 

New Location
The farm has moved 4 miles north/west to a location we feel has a better infrastructure. Improved storage potential and more control over water scheduling will (among other benefits) allow for more efficient harvesting – and ultimately more local produce in our community.
Merry Christmas!