Leffler Family Farm’s
Farm Update, April 27th 2013
Eggs Available to Extended Season CSA Members
Extended Season CSA members get first dibs on our free-range rainbow eggs this season. Currently, we are getting about 10doz/week, so orders will be on a first response basis until sold out. Eggs are $6/doz. and orders will be periodically invoiced to customers after delivery; we prefer this method over pre-payment in case there are weeks when eggs are unavailable – they are laying great now, but our chickens can be quite finicky at times!
Last Week’s CSA Share
So far, all the vegetables harvested this Spring have come from the greenhouse. Last week’s fresh veggie’s and sprouts were supplemented with some dry storage crop (heirloom dry beans) as is typical early season when the vegetables are just getting started and conditions are dicey. End of season will bring a fresh crop of heirloom dry beans, and if everything goes well, more of everyone’s favorite Tiger Eye Beans (which have been sold out for some time now). A fun fact about LFF dry beans: through the Farm to School Program, Greeley Re-6 school kids eat LFF pintos regularly and soon will be dining on bean salad prepared with our gourmet mixed beans. The schools have transitioned to fresh beans to help reduce sodium intake for the kids. Canned dry beans have upwards of 200 mg of sodium per serving while fresh dry beans only have 4 mg per serving. Dry beans pack a nutritional punch and it is recommend to eat them often as part of a healthy diet. They are a great source of protein and dietary fiber.
CSA Progress Report
What a wild April!!!
The past few snow storms and record low temperatures in April will directly affect all early season shares. Two weeks ago our greenhouse withstood 45 mph wind gusts and below zero wind chill factor. Extended share members should expect share sizes to remain small or limited for the following 3-4 weeks, which is when we should start to see our field veggies ready for harvest. Our field is currently too saturated to get the tractor in and plant, but with the recent nice days and next two days projected to be in the upper 70’s, looks like we will begin planting early this week.
The first seeds we sew are often those that are quick growing and cold tolerant. Baby greens including gourmet mixed lettuce, spinach, rainbow chard, arugula, assorted kale, baby beet greens, and mesclun mix are usually ready for harvest in 21 days, quickly followed by several varieties of radish. At around 4 weeks we should be harvesting 5 different types of radish including French Breakfast which is the quickest growing of them all at 24 days. Also several different Asian greens should be coming on along with the first crop of Japanese white turnips 4 weeks from now.
Two seasons ago we had a really wet spring, while last year was the complete opposite with virtually zero precipitation from March to May. This spring is shaping up to be a wet one, with our area reservoirs close to 100% full. This is a true blessing for the local agricultural community and much needed for this upcoming season. Although early may not be as productive this season, the trade off is well worth it, those who are patient will be rewarded!
Hacked Email
As most of you know, our email was hacked a couple week’s back. The loss of our contacts has been a terrible inconvenience at at time of crucial communication and we are very sorry for the gaps in communication and any other trouble this has caused. Thank you so much for your continued patience as we finish working out all the issues.
Updates Going Weekly
With the first CSA deliveries being completed last week, it is time for Farm Updates to go weekly again. Looking forward to sharing another season with many of you and looking forward to starting a first season with many others!
Farm Pics…
LFF Baby Loose-leaf Lettuce Mix, 4/2013
Trout Speckled Lettuce, 4/2013
Baby Mesclun Mix, 4/2013
April 23rd
Looking out front door of greenhouse, April 23rd
Preparing for the construction of hoophouses by adding top-soil to the old corrals in our yard where they will be built.
I.D. Challenge

The first person to respond with the name of this pink plant (currently growing in our greenhouse) will receive a $10 gift certificate to our farm stand at the Old South Pearl Street or Old Town Ft. Collins/Larimer County Farmer’s Market.
Hint: it is a salad green
Have a great day!
Anthony and Sarah Zamora
Leffler Family Farms
Local Motion CSA
(f) 970-454-3588