June 12 Weekly Update

Severe Weather
On Thursday night our main production area received 45 minutes of hail resultling in 1.85 inches of moisture in 1 hour.   So much moisture in such a short time caused flooding.  The greenhouse fared well and is still standing, but no harvestable vegetables are left in the field.  We are hopeful that around 40% of the plants will grow back, and are eager to start replanting.  The next challenge will be mending the soil; dry heat quickly followed the hail and has formed a now 2″ cement like crust .  An old cultivator implement will be used to help break the crust and hopefully aid in some re-growth.   Old Town Ft. Collins market was canceled last Saturday and will most likely remain so for a week or two more.  We will continue to attend Cherry Creek and Pearl Street markets with bedding plants, dry beans and garlic; it will be a slow few weeks at market until more produce is available.  CSA share holders will still be supplied from the greenhouse.  We apologize for the inconsistency and any inconvenience this causes our customers.  We appreciate your patience and support during this recovery period. 
Before and After….
kale after










lettuce after


Local Motion CSA
Samples of lovely local soap from Prairie Fields in New Raymer CO were included with veggie shares this week.  Orders can be delivered with your share.  See flier attached to your samples for more information.  www.prairiefieldsllc.com.
A small patch of garlic two miles west of our main field made it through Thursday night’s severe weather almost untouched.  Friday morning half of the beautiful hardneck bulbs were harvested.  They are drying nicely now and will be available at market starting this weekend.
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