Market News
* Cherry Creek Market, Denver’s top farmer’s market, starts today (5/5) and will run from from 8-1. The first free range rainbow eggs of the season will be available along with LFF’s custom mesclun mix, bedding plants and heirloom dry beans. Over 20 different varieties of heirloom tomato seedlings to choose from. Greens and eggs will be limited. Come early to make sure you get some!
* We will continue to be at Denver Urban Homesteading Indoor Market on Saturday’s.
* Old Town Fort Collins Farmer’s Market will start two weeks earlier this year on May 19.
* See the entire summer’s market schedules plus find directions and more information under Farmers Market tab.
Greenhouse Photos
from left to right: artichoke seedlings, Tango Lettuce, Italian Flat Leaf Parsley flower, Mache (a.k.a. Corn Salad)


Seedlings in Field
Last week’s irrigation did the trick. Seeds are sprouting! Planting took place throughout April with a single row push planter called an Earthway. The record dry spring we are currently experiencing produced no early rain to aid in getting them up and seeds sat in the ground for weeks. Pictured above (left to right) are Red Beets, Golden Beets and Spinach. Beets are a multi-germ seed (contains more than one embryo per seed) and must be thinned in order to grow big and uniform. The irrigation also germinated many weed seeds, let the weeding begin!
We are about two weeks out from an assortment of baby lettuces, greens and radishes from our field.
Spotlight: Tomato Plants
LFF is offering over 30 different heirloom and cherry tomato varieties this year. Much of the seed was saved from our own tomatoes which were selected for doing particularly well here. Some varieties include, Pink Accordion, Aunt Ruby’s German, Green Zebra, Red Zebra, Ananus Noire, Nebraska Wedding, Amish Paste, Striped Cavern, Yellow Perfection, Purple Calabash, Great White, Mr. Stripey, Brandywine, Yellow Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Black Krim, Super Snow White Cherry, Green Grape, Black Cherry, and Bi-Color Cherry.