Leffler Family Farms’ Weekly Update June 24th

Youth Farmer’s Market at High Plains
The High Plains Environmental Learning Center (HPEC) hosted a youth run farmer’s market last week, and in addition to other items, sold produce provided by Leffler Family Farms. HPEC is the Loveland host site for our community supported agriculture program and we have really enjoyed getting to work with and learn about this community organization. Go to http://www.suburbitat.org/ for more information!
Around the farm….
Goodbye spring, hello summertime. This is the time of year when some veggies seem like they double in size overnight. As the day length continues to increase, soil temperatures become ideal for optimal growth given the right amount of moisture. The beets are finally starting to bulb nicely after setting water on them for the fourth time this season. The first fava bean flower blooms have begun to shrivel back, meaning they are beginning to form the first pods. The potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers are looking amazing and we saw the first flowers on the purple green beans yesterday afternoon. The best looking bean plant in the field right now is called Dragon’s Tongue, which I am sure will become one of your favorite veggies this year. They have a flattened pod and are light green with purple streaks. They are also incredibly sweet and very tasty when eaten raw (we are probably about 3 weeks out from enjoying them).
Farmer’s Market
Come see us on Saturday at the Larimer County Farmer’s Market in Old Town Ft. Collins or Sunday at Old South Pearl Street Market in Denver. Lots of greens, baby beets, spring onions and more to choose from.
MMLocal Dock Days
Join us this Thursday (6/27) for “Dock Days”! The last Thursday of every month from 12-7pm MMLocal hosts “Dock Days” on their loading dock. This week, the event is featuring a mini farmer’s market, and LFF will have a booth set up with our produce available. You will also have the opportunity to directly buy MMLocal products, meet and talk with local growers, producers, non-profits, and community organizations and enjoy samples cooked with MMLocal’s food in combination with their guest vendor products.
MMLocal is a Denver company who preserves local produce for us to enjoy all year long. Pictured above, Anthony and I hold MMLocal products including our very own rainbow carrots which they deliciously pickle!
Here’s a link to their Facebook page for more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/443056552446312/.
Local Motion CSA News…
Shares Getting Bigger
We hope you are as excited as we are about the recent increase in share volume and variety. We are looking forward to the trend continuing! Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have questions about any particular items.
Excess Produce
Produce for Pantries and Hunger Free Colorado want you to know that by calling the Hunger Free Hotline at 855-855-4626, anyone in Colorado can find information on their nearest food pantry. These food pantries would LOVE to take excess local produce!
A good number to keep on hand!
Anthony and Sarah
Leffler Family Farms
Local Motion CSA
(f) 970-454-3588